Maria Joan Mecono, with pride, took to social media her yearbook photo after passing the 2022 Bar Exam.
In a Facebook post, Mecono proudly expressed her gratitude to her father, Mr. Paterno Amid Mecono, a carinderia owner, and to her late mother, Maria Flordeliza Magalladora Collado, a banana vendor, after hurdling the bar.
“All the wait is all worth it. God’s plan indeed is magical. I was not able to take the BBE20_21 with my friends but God did not allow me to not have this season in my life. Lord, you are amazing,” she captioned.
Mecano noted that she never considered hereself as a “graduate” until today. She finished her studies in 2021 at the Central Philippine University’s College of Law but only posted her graduation photo after being certified as a Juris Doctor.
On Friday, the Supreme Court has released the November 2022 Philippine Bar Exam results, where a total of 3,992 out of 9,183 or 43.4 % of examinees passed, including Mecano.
The oath-taking and roll-signing of the successful examinees will be held on May 2.
Related Story: Supreme Court announces 2022 Philippine bar exam results