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Public Prosecution in UAE issues 7,285 penalty orders and enforces over 100,000 judicial rulings remotely

The UAE Public Prosecution has processed over 362,000 procedures remotely, according to a report published on its social media platforms. The report revealed that the number of grievances related to COVID-19 violations submitted through the remote grievance service reached 60,417.

The Public Prosecution accepted or rejected requests and amended the fine amount accordingly. The report indicated that the Public Prosecution issued 7,285 penalty orders and enforced 104,755 judicial rulings. The number of public prosecution lawsuits totalled 42,879, while the number of prosecution appeal lawsuits was 8,970. The cassation prosecution presented 1,689 legal opinions requesting appeals.

The report also highlighted that the Public Prosecution carried out 13,519 remote investigations and processed 176,185 e-requests in 2022. The Public Prosecution offers over 50 services on its website and smart application, making it easier for customers to access its services.

The figures and statistics in the report show the Public Prosecution’s commitment to using the latest technologies to advance judicial action, in line with the UAE’s leadership’s vision related to transparency and independence of the judicial system. The report noted that case disposal ranged between 95 to 100 per cent, and conviction reached 100 per cent.

The Public Prosecution’s efforts to process procedures remotely are particularly noteworthy, as they demonstrate the government’s commitment to ensuring the health and safety of its citizens and residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Public Prosecution’s use of technology is helping to make its services more accessible and efficient, and the report’s findings indicate that the Public Prosecution is achieving its goals in this area.

Staff Report

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