The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) has issued a weather warning for the coming days, forecasting the possibility of rainfall in certain areas of the country. In light of this, the Ministry of Interior (MOI) has released an alert urging caution to all residents.
🚨#الحالة_الجوية: نظراً لاحتمالية تعرض عدة مناطق في الدولة لتقلبات في الأحوال الجوية مصحوبة بأمطار غزيرة ورياح، يرجى أخذ الحيطة والحذر أثناء قيادة المركبة وتجنّب الأودية وأماكن جريان وتجمّع المياه.
نعمل معاً من أجل مجتمع أكثر أمناً وسلامة#الامارات_أمن_وأمان
— وزارة الداخلية (@moiuae) January 5, 2023
According to the forecast, there may be rain of varying intensities, particularly in coastal, northern, and eastern areas. Along with this, temperatures are expected to drop. In order to prepare for these weather fluctuations, the ministry has advised the public to take care while driving and avoid low-lying areas or places where water may accumulate. It is important to exercise caution on the roads, especially during times of heavy rain, as visibility may be reduced and the risk of hydroplaning increases.
In addition to the possibility of rain, strong winds are expected, and clouds will be present in the sky. Despite this, temperatures are expected to remain relatively warm, with highs of up to 28ºC in the country and 26ºC in Abu Dhabi and 25ºC in Dubai. However, temperatures may also dip to as low as 18ºC in Abu Dhabi, 20ºC in Dubai, and 8ºC in mountainous regions. Humidity levels are expected to range from 30-70% in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
The ministry has also issued a warning for those venturing out to sea, stating that conditions may be moderate to rough at times in the Arabian Gulf and moderate in the Oman sea. Cloud activity is also expected in these areas.