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Abu Dhabi announces new alcoholic beverage regulations

The tourist administration in Abu Dhabi has issued new restrictions for the sale of alcoholic drinks, with firms given six months to comply.

The Department of Culture and Tourism — Abu Dhabi (DCT) has established the technical and ingredient standards for alcoholic drinks in an advice given to distribution businesses and retail shop managers.

The DCT regulation stipulates a minimum alcoholic strength of 0.5%. Wine should not have a vinegar taste or smell. Meanwhile – beer, with the exception of caramel flavor, and should not have any artificial sweeteners, flavors, or colorants.

It said that these standards were created to safeguard the safety of both customers and providers.

The beverages should also be packaged in clean containers that “protect it from pollution and damage.”

On the labels, all information regarding the ingredients, origin, manufacturer, shelf life, and alcohol percentage must be disclosed.

The guidelines also addressed various aspects of the types of alcohol used, as well as packaging, transportation, and storage.

Retailers and distribution businesses have six months to make the required changes. Violators will face legal consequences.

The full guidelines are available here: Circular No. 17/2022 17/2022 Subject: Abu Dhabi Specifications for Alcoholic Beverages

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