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Carpenter in Abu Dhabi to get AED350,000 compensation after electrical saw tragedy

An Abu Dhabi carpenter who was seriously harmed while cutting wood with an electric saw has been granted AED350,000 in compensation.

The Abu Dhabi Civil Court of Cassation affirmed a previous court finding that ordered the carpentry company that employed the Asian worker to pay him compensation. The company was deemed to be negligent and in violation of safety standards, which resulted in an accident that harmed him.

According to court papers, the worker filed a complaint against the company, seeking that it give him AED2 million in compensation for bodily, material, and moral losses he suffered as a result of his injuries.

The carpenter told the court that the electric saw he was using during his duty bounced on him and cut him, leaving him permanently disabled.

The worker further claimed he incurred psychological and monetary losses as a result of his incapacity to work owing to his condition.

The firm had previously been fined AED7,000 by the Criminal Court of First Instance for violating safety regulations. The worker was instructed by the criminal court judge to pursue a civil complaint against his company in order to get compensation.

Both the Civil Court of First Instance and the Court of Appeals had previously ordered the company to pay the worker Dh350,000 in damages. The company has also been ordered to pay the worker’s legal fees.

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