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1 out of 4 Pinoys rate PBBM’s first 100 days as ‘good’ – Radio Veritas

The majority of Filipinos gave President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s first 100 days a “good” grade, according to the most recent findings of a study conducted by the Catholic Church and revealed on Wednesday.

According to the Church-run Radio Veritas Veritas Truth Survey (VTS), one in four Filipinos, or around 25%, thought his first 100 days had been successful.

11 percent of respondents gave a very good rating, while 13% of respondents provided an excellent rating.

Only 21% of respondents provided a fair rating, while 22% gave a poor rating.

The remaining 8% of respondents were ‘undecided’.

The survey’s results, according to Fr. Anton CT Pascual, president of Radio Veritas, will assist the current administration understand the people’s voice and direct it in its decisions.

“While the first 100-day milestone in office is mostly considered as a ‘honeymoon stage’, the early days of a presidency can be an optimal time for new presidents to make immense advances in their political agenda. A new president is usually still popular with the public, and lawmakers often have an inducement to cooperate with a new leader, generating an occasion for a president to pass major legislation; thus, the public’s perception of the President’s first 100 Days will be an effective tool to help guide future efforts of government,” said Fr. Pascual.

With a +/- 3 percent margin of error, the poll used a stratified sample of 1,200 respondents from around the country (gathered through a text-based and online data gathering process from the current VTS database).

Respondents were questioned about how they felt Marcos performed during his first 100 days in office from September 18 to October 6.

Staff Report

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