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500,000 free air tickets up for grabs in Hong Kong’s bid to attract more tourists

Hong Kong has announced that it will be giving away half a million tickets to people around the world to boost its tourism industry shortly after it has announced that it is lifting the mandatory quarantine for inbound travelers.

In a report on CNN, a spokesperson from the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK), which said that the 500,000 tickets, worth around $254.8 million would be given to tourists and Hong Kong residents.

“Back in 2020, Airport Authority Hong Kong purchased around 500,000 air tickets in advance from the territory’s home-based airlines as part of a relief package to support the aviation industry,” the official said.

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“The purchase serves the purpose of injecting liquidity into the airlines upfront, while the tickets will be given away to global visitors and Hong Kong residents in the market recovery campaign.” the official added.

Details or mechanics on how the free tickets can be availed will be announced soon after all the arrangements have been made.

“We hope to give the maximum room to reconnect Hong Kong, and to revitalize our economy,” Hong Kong’s Chief Executive John Lee said in a press briefing.

Some 56 million visitors go to Hong Kong every year before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Staff Report

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