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Three OFWs deported from Middle East for wearing makeup in public

Three overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) were deported from Qatar from wearing makeup in public, the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) in Central Luzon confirmed.

The OWWA Central Luzon first shared a photo of the three men, who arrived in the country on September 13.

However, the photo in which their faces were blurred to protect their privacy was later deleted.

But eagle-eyed netizens were quick to spot and take a screenshot.

The Facebook caption of the now-deleted post reads: “Mga kababayan po natin sila na nadeport from Qatar ngayon September 13, 2022.”

“They said they were wrongfully accused of putting/wearing make-up in public,” it added.

The agency said they will help the OFWs “regardless of reason.”

OWWA Central Luzon confirmed in a message to The Filipino Times that the screenshot of the post that went viral is real.

“Yes po, with the consent naman po ng mga OFWs,” it said.

The agency did not give further details.

It was not immediately known if the trio was detained in the strictly Sharia-based Gulf state before they were deported.

The conservative country penalizes homosexual acts, including cross-dressing and same-sex sexual relations, with up to 3 years imprisonment.

“They are asking for something that is strictly prohibited in Qatar. We should follow the rules of any country that we are in. They will not adjust their laws and customs for us,” an OFW commented in the viral post.


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