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Man mowed down by train while saving wife, children

Photo courtesy of: Muhammad Al-Sharif | Twitter

A Saudi man was mowed down by train in Austria while saving wife and children.

The Saudi father and his son were killed as a train in Austria hit their SUV on Wednesday.  Muhammad Al-Sharif, a tweet user said, “God, one of my relatives and his son (four years old), passed away in an unfortunate accident in Austria, after a train collided with their car that got stuck in its way.”

The tweet added, “The father succeeded in getting his wife and two children out, then returned, to get the child out of the baby-seat, before the train hit the car…”

The accident happened in the city of Sankt Johann in the Austrian state of Tyrol, where the train was unable to stop in time. This led to the death of the 35-year-old father and his 4-year-old son, but in the mishap the 34-year-old wife and two other children, aged 7 and 11, were left unharmed.

Staff Report

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