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VP Sara Duterte seeks support to strengthen PH education sector

The Philippine Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte-Carpio stressed on an urgent need to strengthen the education sector in the Philippines and sought support for the same.

In a virtual discussion with National Private Education Association, Duterte acknowledged the “strain on public schools” due to numerous transfers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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“There is an urgent need to build back and build back stronger and better. The migration of students from private to public schools has put enormous strain on our public schools,” she said.

“I ask for your indulgence as I also expect your support as we study and explore the appropriate measures to resolve issues and concerns that may adversely impact the education sector,” added the Education secretary.

“Our task here is clear: it is to protect our children and ensure that quality education is made accessible for them, whether they are enrolled in private or public schools, whether they are in the cities or the countryside,” she said.

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Duterte said the government should provide assistance to private schools, adding, “some private schools are facing closure. And a number have in fact already shut down.”

“As a community, there is an urgent need to build back, and build back stronger and better. The migration of students from private to public schools has put enormous strain on our public schools,” she added.

Staff Report

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