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Visitors to Philippines Pavilion ‘Bangkóta’ gain insights on Philippines’ Space Programs

Filipinos who visited the Philippines’ Pavilion ‘Bangkóta’ gained a new perspective of the country’s advancements in the field of space study and exploration in an in-depth discussion that tackled the Philippines’ dedicated space program.

Philippine Ambassador to the UAE, H.E. Amb. Hjayceelyn Quintana launched the first Embassy Bangkóta Apex Speaker Series (E-BASS) with Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) Director General Dr. Joel Joseph Marciano Jr. as its first speaker in line with the Space Week at Expo 2020 Dubai.

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Visitors learned about the progress of the Philippine Space Agency’s successes in launching satellites and got a glimpse of a replica of ‘Maya-1’, the country’s first microsatellite which stayed in orbit for over two years since its launch in 2018.

Dr. Marciano urged Filipinos in attendance, specifically OFW parents, to help further the Philippines’ Space Program by enticing and “encouraging their sons and daughters to develop interest in courses related to science and technology, for them to become the Philippines’ future scientists and astronauts.”


Staff Report

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