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Facebook rebranding to Meta a ‘diversion’, says critics 

Skeptics assert that Facebook’s attempt to rebrand itself as Meta is an effort to change the subject from leaked papers.

A whistle-blower named Frances Haugen, a former employee of Facebook, recently accused the company of putting “profits over safety”.

The rebranding of Facebook also comes on the heels of legislative and regulatory scrutiny in many parts of the world. 

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, on the other hand, said the name “Facebook” no longer encompass the things we do anymore. 

“We’ve learned a lot from struggling with social issues and living under closed platforms, and now it is time to take everything that we’ve learned and help build the next chapter,” Zuckerberg said. 

“Our apps and their brands, they are not changing,” he added in a report on AFP. 

The social media giant expects the metaverse to reach a billion people within the next decade. 

They said that the metaverse would be a place where people can interact, work and create products and content. 


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