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‘Plantita?’ Woman caught for carrying 4.5kg of narcotics in Dubai 


A 20-year-old woman from Uganda stands trial in Dubai for carrying 4.5 kilograms of qat leaves at the Dubai International Airport. 

Qat or khat, a flowering plant native to Ethiopia, is classified as a stimulant drug. Possession, consumption or trafficking of this drug constitute a criminal offence in the UAE. 

The airport officials noticed the woman carrying a box that looks unusually heavy. 

The woman denied that she was carrying illegal items, according to the Dubai Criminal Court.

“We searched the box and found bananas inside,” a customs officer told the court.

“There were many banana leaves rolled tightly and when we unfolded them, we found the qat leaves,” the officer added.

A verdict will be handed over on October 10. 

Staff Report

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