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LOOK: Thousands attend mask-less graduation in COVID-19 ground zero Wuhan

Screengrab from South China Morning Post.

Around 11,000 students participated in a massive graduation event in Wuhan City in China, the ground zero of the coronavirus pandemic.

In a report on the AFP, students in navy gowns and mortarboards gathered without social distancing or face masks.

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“Welcome the graduates of 2020 back home. We wish you all a great future,” a sign read during the event.

The first cases of the coronavirus pandemic started in the city of Wuhan in 2019.

The city was placed on lockdown in 2020 to control the spread of the virus but has already spread across the globe.

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Over 2,200 attendees in the mass graduation ceremony were those who were not able to attend their graduation rites last year due to the pandemic.

China has relatively put the virus under control and has loosened some of its restrictions. (TDT)

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