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American Idol David Archuleta comes out as member of LGBTQIA+ community

American Idol singer David Archuleta surprises his fans after announcing that he is a member of the LGBTQIA+ community in a lengthy social media post.

In his post, Archuleta said that he came out to his family in 2014. He said that he has feelings for both genders, hinting that he could be a special kind of bisexual.

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Archuleta added he doesn’t “have too much sexual desires and urges as most people,” referring to himself as asexual.

The 30 year-old singer that he struggled to change himself in the last 20 years but realized that he can also be a member of the community and become a man of faith.

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“I just invite you to please consider making room to be more understanding and compassionate to those who are LGBTQIA+, and those who are a part of that community and trying to find that balance with their faith which also is a huge part of their identity like myself,” he wrote. “For me to find peace the reality has been to accept both are real things I experience and make who I am,” Archuleta said.

The singer gained popularity when he joined the American reality singing competition in its 11th season. (TDT)

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