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LOOK: Anchor goes on air wearing shorts at BBC office

The summer heat is discomforting, but breaking office rules can be even worse as a television anchor in the UK discovered.

BBC anchor Shaun Ley decided to beat the heat by going to office in shorts on that day – which was reported as the hottest day of the year to date.

Thinking that BBC studio television camera would only capture him from the waist-up, the anchor had chosen to wear his suit with a pair of shorts due to the intense summer heat in the UK paired with uncomfortable warm studio lights.

However, Ley’s choice of clothing did not work out to be the right on, when the television camera took a wide-angle shot of the studio that displayed him in his ‘shorts.”

The world got a “short” glimpse of the anchor’s choice of officewear before moving away, even as the anchor switched over to a serious discussion on the political scene in Israel. (AW)

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