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Younger sister weds groom as bride dies in wedding ceremony in India

In a unique twist of fate, a bride passed away during her marriage ceremony and the husband ended up marrying her sister on that day and site itself.

This sad incident, which occurred a few days ago at Samaspur in Bharthana village of Etawah district in India, witnessed the young bride falling ill and dying during her wedding ceremony. The family then decided to solemnize the marriage between the groom and the sister of the dead bride.

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After exchanging garlands and other ceremonies, the couple was preparing for the final ceremony of ‘pheras’ when the bride named Surabhi suddenly fell unconscious beside the groom Manjesh Kumar. A doctor was summoned and declared her dead of a major cardiac arrest.

Even as the wedding festivities turned into mourning, the families discussed the situation together and decided to get the younger sister Nisha married to the groom. So after the dead bride’s body was kept in another room and the marriage of Manjesh solemnized with Nisha, the departure of the bridal couple witnessed the funeral rites of the deceased woman being held.

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Describing the incident as one calling for a tough decision by the family, the late Surabhi’s uncle — Ajab Singh said, ” We have never witnessed such mixed emotions, as one daughter lay dead in one room and the wedding of another daughter was being solemnized in the other room. The grief over her death and the happiness of the wedding has yet to sink in.” (AW)

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