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Finland’s Prime Minister faces probe over monthly breakfast bill of AED 1,340

The Prime Minister of Finland is being investigated by police for allegedly spending thousands of taxpayers’ money for their personal family breakfasts.

Finland Prime Minister Sanna Marin was reported by a tabloid newspaper Iltalehti to have been claiming back about 300 euros ($365 or AED 1,340) per month for her family’s breakfasts while living at her official residence “Kesaranta.”

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However, even as the opposition members accused her in this regard, the 35-year-old female head of government insisted that the perk was also given to her predecessors. “As prime minister, I have not asked for this benefit nor been involved in deciding on it,” Marin said on Twitter.

Meanwhile, when legal experts subsequently suggested that using taxpayers’ money to pay for the prime minister’s morning meal would contravene Finnish legislation, the police stepped in to announce a pre-trial investigation into a possible public-office offence, after receiving a request to probe the issue.

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“The prime minister has been reimbursed for some meals, even though the wording of the law on ministerial remuneration does not appear to permit this,” police stated.

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