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Thousands of Dubai teens roll up sleeves to receive first shot of COVID-19 vax

Photo courtesy @DHA_Dubai

Barely one week since the UAE authorities approved the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children aged 12 to 15, thousands of teenage students in private schools across the emirates have received their first shot of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Principals of the schools echoed their staunch belief that the vaccinations would serve to reassure parents about their children attending school and participating in extracurricular activities.

Delhi Private School in Dubai, for example, collaborated with the UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention to organize vaccinations at Grand Hyatt Dubai, where they booked slots for more than 2,000 pupils to be vaccinated in the week and 800 had received their first dose last weekend.

Gems Education began its vaccination drive for pupils aged 12 and over, and ensured that over 1,800 of its pupils received the first jab.

According to Elmarie Venter, chief operations and marketing officer at Gems Education, around 42,000 Gems students are eligible for vaccination .

“Gems will continue its work through summer for ensuring schools and community safety and will welcoming 1,600 new teachers in August,” she said.

Staff Report

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