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How can I deal with eczema here in the UAE?

The Emirates Dermatology Society, in collaboration with Sanofi, recently introduced a dedicated initiative called #LivingWithEczema, a platform for individuals affected by atopic dermatitis to connect with experts in the UAE for guidance on adjusting, adapting, and living with their condition.

Dr. Anwar Al Hammadi
“Please be engaged in this network. It’s for you to use. We will be in the network to help answer all your queries and your questions, so encourage all your friends, family members those suffering from eczema. We’d like to hear from you.- Dr. Anwar Al Hammadi, President of Emirates Dermatology Society, Adjunct Clinical Associate and Professor of Dermatology at Mohammed bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (MBRU), Dubai and a consulting dermatologist at DermaMed Clinic Dubai.

Dr. Anwar Al Hammadi, President of Emirates Dermatology Society, Adjunct Clinical Associate and Professor of Dermatology at Mohammed bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (MBRU), Dubai and a consulting dermatologist at DermaMed Clinic Dubai, stated that #LivingWithEczema aims to open the conversation to solve the struggles of individuals living with atopic dermatitis – they could help one another by sharing their experiences, and experts could share their thoughts and tips for the public.

“I’d like all of you, whether you’re suffering from eczema or [have] any family member who has eczema, to join us. We do have lots of ideas and lots of support in this hashtag for those living in Dubai or even in the UAE, and even the whole world,” said Dr Al Hammadi. “Please be engaged in this network. It’s for you to use. We will be in the network to help answer all your queries and your questions, so encourage all your friends, family members those suffering from eczema. We’d like to hear from you.”

Dr. Khadija Aljefri
If you have any extra questions, communicate with Living With Eczema. This is not just a platform for doctors but it’s also for the eczema community to connect and learn from each other. – Dr. Khadija Aljefri, a board member at the Emirates Dermatology Society and a lecturer at Dubai Medical College and consulting dermatologist at DermaMed Clinic Dubai

Dr Khadija Aljefri, a board member at the Emirates Dermatology Society and a lecturer at Dubai Medical College and consulting dermatologist at DermaMed Clinic Dubai, said that the community is an open platform for doctors, patients and the general public to engage and learn more about proper ways on handling the skin disease, as well as spread awareness amongst patients that they are not alone in their fight against atopic dermatitis.

“I think one important message that we want to give out today that there are many types of eczema. It is good to know what type of eczema you have so that you know which treatment to follow. If you have any extra questions, communicate with Living With Eczema. This is not just a platform for doctors but it’s also for the eczema community to connect and learn from each other. Don’t prescribe each other to use just any medication though. If you have questions, please post it on Instagram or Facebook,” explained Dr Aljefri.

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