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Philippines, Canada to finalize VFA

Canadian envoy to Manila David Hartman (Screengrabbed from NewsWatch Plus PH / YouTube)

The Philippines and Canada will soon finalize a Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA).

It can be recalled that the Philippines recently signed a Reciprocal Access Agreement with Japan early this month amid rising tensions in the West Philippine Sea.

In an interview with NewsWatch Plus, Canadian envoy to Manila David Hartman said VFA talks are progressing quickly.

“So we are exchanging draft text now with the Department of National Defense here between our Department of National Defense back in Canada. So I’m very proud to highlight that the negotiations are moving along very quickly,” said Hartman.

The envoy said they see no major challenges and the VFA model between the Philippines and Canada will be similar to previous security deals.

“We’re optimistic that we can also advance the timelines of what traditionally would have been a much lengthier process. But I think because of circumstances, and I think because of real, tangible commitment on both sides, Canada and the Philippines, we’re very hopeful that we can conclude this sooner rather than later,” Hartman added.

“It’s very similar. So basically, it allows, you know, for the joint exercises, much more overt active joint exercising for, you know, Canadian forces to participate on Philippine soil in an emergency for the ability to deploy here to help defend all of these types of things,” he explained.

The Philippines has VFA with the United States and Australia. Manila also recently signed an RAA with Japan.

France is drafting the initial document for PH-France VFA.

Staff Report

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