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Taiwan assures safety of Filipinos — MECO

The Taiwan government has assured the safety of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) amid escalating tensions with China.

Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) Chairman Silvestre Bello said that their counterparts gave them assurance on the safety of over 150,000 OFWs there.

Around 89,000 bomb shelters are placed on the self-ruled island.

“Filipinos are entitled to get inside these shelters at any given time,” Bello said in a GMA News report.

But OFWs so far are not concerned about the situation and maintained that Taiwan is still a good place to work.

“Nagtanong nga ako kung may gustong umuwi walang may gustong sumama sa kanila,” Bello added in a separate new report on CNN Philippines.

Staff Report

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