
LOVE KNOWS NO BOUNDS: See how these Filipino-Indian couples prove what true and pure love is

“Love has no culture, boundaries, race and religion. It is pure and beautiful, like early morning sunrise falling in lake.”― Santosh Kalwar

Interracial marriages, described as unions that take place between people of different racial and cultural backgrounds, can be considered a magical blessing. Imagine having someone from a different race and ethnic ideals adore you and fall for you? It is perhaps among the most unique and purest kinds of love.

This type of bond also proves that everyone can widen each other’s viewpoints, approach the world in various ways, and even find that there is an association in our disparities.

And while this was an extremely controversial topic around the world at one point, the perception has changed over time—with interracial couples showing the world that indeed, love knows no boundaries.

Challenges faced by interracial marriages and how it changed the world:

As an interracial couple, people will possibly face extra challenges in their marriage, which can be in the form of varying opinions, or derogatory comments in public.

Other troubles could include disapproval from friends and families.

Indeed, these challenges can make them feel hurt, sad, and helpless. But if they want their relationship to last, one way to ensure it is to talk about these difficulties openly with one another! All you need is to stay strong and keep believing in each other.

Check out these Indian and Filipino couples who have shown the beauty of an interracial marriage, proving that while their story also has ups and downs, they managed and stayed strong, and rest is history.

A chance encounter

Faye and sumeet

Sumeet Singh, Indian and Faye del Rosario, a Filipina, met in Singapore in 2013 when the latter went there for her job interview. She then chanced upon Sumeet when he was still working as a barista, and rest is history. After three years of being in a relationship, they got married in India. Faye constantly tells the world their beautiful love story through her YouTube channel Faye’s Diary.

Intense connection

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The journey of Sharon and Moses Saldanha started when they first met in December 2014. Moses is from Goa, India. Whereas Sharon is from the Philippines. The couple met at a church camp organized by various churches in the Philippines, where Moses and his family were among the international delegates. The two had felt an instant strong connection on their first meeting. The chemistry was so strong that it led Moses to proposing to Sharon only six days after they met! They got married six months after and are both now settled in Goa. Ever since they got married, the two of them now travel the world together.


From Facebook to life partners

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Abhinav, who hails from Patna, India and Jay, who lives in Bacolod, Philippines started their story as Facebook friends. Their constant chat messages made them fall madly in love with each other, starting a long-distance relationship for a long time. They managed to work through the distance through trust, communication and constant appreciation for each other.

After being in an LDR for eight years, they got married in May 2019. Jay said she fell in love with Abhinav when they were randomly talking about religion, as Jay is catholic whereas Abhinav is Hindu. She asked him what’s his point on religion and he said that, “I don’t care about religion as religion teaches us to forgive and love each other.”

The couple now shares their day-to-day married lives in their YouTube channel, ‘JayBhi’s Life – Filipina Indian Couple’

Love in just a tap

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Filipina Ann Delizo and Indian Shubert met on a dating app. They were in a long distance relationship for seven months, when Shubert proposed to her after meeting for the first time in Goa at his sister’s wedding. While the entire process of going through civil wedding was arduous, the couple said it was all worth it because they know they are meant for each other.

They are currently settled in the UK, with their one-year-old daughter name Neriah.

Contributed by Shilpi Kakani

Staff Report

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