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Filipina model Gabby Basiano most photogenic, says survey

Photo from Instagram: @gabbybasiano

Pageant veteran and model Gabrielle “Gabby” Basiano of Borongan, Samar emerged at the top of the ‘most photogenic’ list in the latest survey.

The ABS-CBN News survey, which came ahead of the Binibining Pilipinas 2021 swimsuit preliminary competition, featured pageantologists, photographers, and vloggers highlighting their “most photogenic” list from among the 34 competing participants.

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The photographers, media, and bloggers, who cover the pageant beat and had participated in the survey, included were veteran pageant photographer Joy Arguil, TV director and videographer David Chua, Robert Requintina of Manila Bulletin, Andy Cayna of Sash Factor, Bong Tan, and Drew Francisco of Missosology.

Basiano, who was the top finalist at the Miss Philippine Earth 2018, came out as the top choice of all respondents with Chua describing her as an “elegant face that exudes strength and confidence, while Arguil described Basiano as possessing an “it” factor that made her stand out in group pictures. (AW)

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