About 45% of Filipino families rated themselves as poor while 34% were borderline poor in the latest national Social Weather Survey.
The borderline poor have people who get placed on the horizontal line dividing poor and not poor. In the survey as many as 21% rated themselves as not poor.
In comparison in June 2021, 48% felt Poor, 29% felt borderline poor, and 23% felt not poor.
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Also, the estimated numbers of self-rated poor families are 11.4 million in September 2021 and 12.0 million in June 2021.
The survey also noted a 3-point decrease in self-rated poor in the third quarter of 2021 was due to a sharp decline in the Visayas and a slight decrease in Metro Manila. This is being offset by a steady score in Balance Luzon and an increase in Mindanao.
In comparison to June 2021, self-rated poor fell in the Visayas from 70% to 54% and the number fell in Metro Manila from 43% to 34%.
READ ON: Nearly half of Filipino families feel they are poor, says survey
The number was 38% in Balance Luzon from June 2021 to September 2021 and it rose in Mindanao from 51% to 58%.
It rose in Metro Manila from 26% to 32%. (AW)