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Court asks 20-year-old man to wash clothes of 2,000 women for six months for rape attempt in India

An Indian Court ignited a debate on the crimes against women in India asking a man to wash and iron the clothes of 2,000 women in his village for six months due to attempted rape.

This has been set as a condition of bail for the accused Lalan Kumar, 20, who has been asked to purchase the detergent and other items needed to run six months of free laundry services to the women of Majhor in the Indian state of Bihar.

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Court authorities learned that Kumar washes clothes for a living. He was arrested in April on charges of attempted rape.

The Court also ruled that Kumar was required to pay a bail bond.

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Kumar’s lawyer said the accused agreed to “do community service related to his profession” to show his respect for the women in the village and elsewhere.

Nasima Khatoon, head of the village council in the area said that the women in the village are happy with the court’s decision, while the villagers said the order has a positive impact by igniting debate on the crime against women in their community. (AW)

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