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Abu Dhabi reduces number of countries exempt from quarantine upon arrival

From 17 countries, Abu Dhabi has reduced to 12 the number of territories in its ‘green list’ or places from which passengers are exempt from quarantine upon arrival in the emirate.

Now, it excluded are Bahrain, Falkland Islands, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, St Kitts and Nevis, and Thailand.

Meanwhile, the Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT) added two countries — Bhutan and Iceland — in the ‘green list’.

The other 10 countries that are on the green list are Australia, Brunei, China, Greenland, Hong Kong (SAR), Mauritius, Mongolia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore.

Passengers arriving from these destinations will be exempt from mandatory quarantine measures after landing in the UAE’s Capital. They will only be required to undergo PCR testing upon arrival at Abu Dhabi Airport.

Staff Report

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