
Arci Munoz now a PH Air Force Sergeant

Actress Arci Munoz has finished her training as a Philippine Air Force reservist.

On her Instagram post, Arci said that she is proud of herself that she was able to finish the tough training amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“Training with the military was really tough, especially with a pandemic looming. I did things I didn’t know I would,” she wrote.

Arci said that she admires her colleagues for enduring the difficult tasks, and the experience also gave her a new sense of self-respect.

“Getting here hasn’t been traversed overnight; although what I went through is nothing compared to my colleagues — I feel great admiration for them. I also found myself humbled, and it made me gain a renewed self-respect,” she added.

Arci said that she wants to use the things she learned in promoting peace and not against violence.

“I will forever cherish and hold on to the learnings and core values that this institution instilled. I will remain a snappy composure and continue to serve in the best interests of my nation,” she said.

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I made it! I just want to say I’m very proud of myself for finishing such a great feat. Training with the military was really tough specially with a pandemic looming. I did things I didn’t know I would (and could). Getting here hasn’t been traversed overnight; although what I went through is nothing compared to my colleagues—I feel great admiration for them. I also found myself humbled and it made me gain a renewed self respect. That being said, I hope that I’ll never have to use what I learned for violence instead be an inspiration to many to have a sense of comradeship so we can all live in peace. I will forever cherish and hold on to the learnings and core values that this institution instilled. I will remain a snappy composure and continue to serve in the best interests of my nation. Sincerely yours Sergeant Ramona Cecilia Datuin Munoz #philipineairforce #sergeant

A post shared by Arci Muñoz 🌻 ラモナ 🌸 라모나 (@ramonathornes) on

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