
UAE to roll out driverless cars in 2021

The UAE has announced it will be rolling out driverless cars in 2021 as part of its transition to become the first country to have autonomous vehicles or driverless cars legally allowed in the streets.

“We will announce the first draft of the standards and regulations for autonomous vehicles during the 5th International Conference on Future Mobility to be held in Dubai,” Abdulla Al Maeeni, director-general of Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (Esma) told Khaleej Times.

The conference will also discuss the draft on creating rules and standards for driverless vehicles.

The UAE is expected to issue the final standards and regulations in 2020. Driverless vehicles may soon enter the market after a year once the rules and guidelines are approved.

Government sectors should also discuss insurance, finance, city administration etc when it comes to autonomous vehicles.

The UAE was the first country to create standards and rules for hydrogen cell and electric vehicles.

Staff Report

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