Kuwaiti police arrested two Filipinos on charges of flying a drone over an area where vital, private facilities are based, a newspaper reported on Friday.
Police said the two were seen flying a drone over Al-Zour in South Kuwait without permission and that a police force assigned with the protection of strategic installations rushed to the scene and arrested them.
The Arabic language daily Alanba, quoting a security source, said police are interrogating the two, aged 31 and 36 years.
“They were caught flying a drone over an important area in Al-Zour…we are questioning them about their motive and whether they were involved in previous similar incidents in other areas,” the source said.
The report did not specify those facilities but Al-Zour is home to several oil and petrochemical projects, including the $15-billionb Al-Zour oil refinery, one of the world’s largest refining units.