
Abu Dhabi’s trade in pearls, precious stones, metals reaches Dh8.2 B in 6 months

bu Dhabi’s trade in pearls, precious stones and metals totalled AED8.2 billion in the first half of 2019, highlighting the ongoing robust activity in this trade sector, which is the oldest in the UAE.

According to figures issued by the Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi, SCAD, the trade-in pearls, precious stones and metals accounted for 7.8 percent of Abu Dhabi’s total non-oil commodities trade from January to the end of June this year, reaching a value of Dh104.4 billion.

The continued activity of Abu Dhabi pearls trade reflects the constant demand for this commodity, which is sought after by traders working in the sector, as well as individuals.

Abu Dhabi and the UAE in general usually rank among the leading countries in the pearl and gemstone trade, and pearl diving is one of the oldest traditional professions practiced by the Emirati people.

An audit conducted on this sector showed that the value of Abu Dhabi’s pearl and gemstone exports reached Dh7 billion during the first half of this year, accounting for 24.3 percent of the emirate’s total exports, which amounted to around Dh28.8 billion.

SCAD also revealed that the emirate’s imports of this commodity reached Dh845 million during the same period, accounting for 1.7 percent of its total imports.

Pearls, precious stones and precious metals that were re-exported from the start of the year to the end of June were valued at Dh328 million, compared to Dh136 million during the same period in 2018.

Staff Report

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