Overseas Filipino workers (OFW), particularly those in the information technology, medical and construction sectors may soon have a chance to work in Poland.
In an effort to cover their growing labor shortage, a Polish official said they are on the course of forming an agreement with the Philippine authorities, reported GMA News.
Deputy Labor Minister Stanislaw Szwed also noted the Poland and Philippines are both Roman Catholic countries. Hence, they share many cultural values.
Currently, Poland is relying on Ukraine to fill the gap in its workforce. Around 300,000 more Ukranians are expected to go to Poland in the next few years.
Poland is importing laborers as a result of the country’s low birth rate and the emigration of its workers.
There is ALWAYS a reason to mass import non-whites in a white country. There is another ways to solve this shortage without it, they could try to bring the polish overseas back to their own country. That’s the beginning of a population replacement, it’s white genocide.
What’s the update on this?