TFT Reach

New opportunities await Filipino nurses headed to America with PassportUSA

Filipino nurses here in the UAE are among the driving force of the country’s robust healthcare institution, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

And while several overseas Filipino nurses reap the benefits of good pay, many of them still dream of taking the next big step to migrate to other countries to not only earn more money, but to bring their family abroad to start anew.

Filipino Registered Nurses who have already passed their National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) can now fast-track their dreams of migrating with their family through the PassportUSA Achieve program.

Apart from passing the NCLEX, the only other requirement for this process for nurses is to have at least one to five years of experience performing bedside patient care, along with proof of present employment in a hospital at the time of your application.

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Guidance assured

Filipino nurses who qualify for the PassportUSA Achieve program will gain access to several resources and experts who will help them pass the English language exam scores to file their US visa.

Healthcare professionals need not worry about fees either as PassportUSA will cover all necessary costs and has assured that it will reimburse nurses for the costs that they might initallty should during their preparations to come to the USA.

PassportUSA has also helped over 3,000 healthcare professionals throughout the world including Filipinos who are now working in the USA, and are living together with their families.

Fulfilling dreams

Morena, a USRN, once almost gave up on her dream to reach the United Staes. However, when she approached PassportUSA as her guide, she was amazed with the level of professionalism and ease in the process of her employment to one of USA’s premier hospitals.

“I was ready to give up on my American dream but thanks to PassportUSA, my visa was recaptured and the rest is history. I highly recommend PassportUSA to my friends and family back home. Having this opportunity to work in the United States has provided my family with good lives and good education for my children,” said Morena.

She lauded USA’s comprehensive provision of benefits that were extended to her children who are now studying in America.

“Having better compensation, medical benefits, and free education for my kids are definitely great advantages. I just hope that more Filipinos like me seize this kind of opportunity especially since there is still a big need for USRNs,” said Morena.

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How to apply

– Get started by registering at: and fill out their information request form.

Filipino healthcare professionals who wish to get started to fulfill their American dream can contact PassportUSA through the following channels:






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