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BI advises travelers to check in 3 hours before flight

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has issued on Saturday an advisory to all departing travelers to check in their flights early to avoid delays.

In a statement, BI Commissioner Norman Tansingco stated that passengers are requested to check in at least three hours before their flight, and proceed directly for immigration inspection.

“There is an expected increase in the number of passengers this month, as more and more people are traveling post-covid,” Tansingco said.

“Apart from this, the eventual transfer of passengers from NAIA Terminal 2 to other terminals will definitely add to the bulk of travelers,” he added.

He also reminded travelers that they can arrive earlier than three hours if they wish to take advantage of other facilities and amenities of the airport.

In a Facebook advisory, the BI explained that each immigration officer processes around 247 passengers on a 10-hour shift.

Tansingco said that unlike airports in other countries, the Philippines’ current facilities are more limited.

“Hence we are thankful to airport authorities for their commitment to increase the space at the immigration area, for us to be able to deploy more passengers,” he said.

According to Tansingco, they are continuously hiring new personnel, ready for deployment for other international airports that might open or expand.

Staff Report

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