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Filipino couple abused by employer in Laos return to PH 

File photo of immigration

A Filipino couple who was maltreated by their employer in Lao have returned home according to the Bureau of Immigration.

The BI said that the couple falsely posed as tourists and later on illegally worked in the Southeast Asian country.

In a statement, the BI said that the couple arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 on January  12.

The couple pretended to be tourists when they left for Malaysia last April 2023. They were later recruited through Facebook to work as agents with a P45,000 monthly salary.

The victims said they were transported to Bangkok from Malaysia and then later on brough to Laos.

The couple said they worked for an online casino and recruited Filipinos to play through a database of contacts.

The BI then said that the couple started experiencing harassment and abuse back in December.

“Their release came at a cost, with the couple paying nearly P800,000 to secure their freedom. Fortunately, they managed to contact a family member, seeking help from the Philippine Embassy,” BI Commissioner Norman Tansingco said.

The BI chief urges travelers not to bypass the legal process of working abroad.

“We urge all citizens to adhere to immigration laws and regulations, as leaving the country without proper documentation not only jeopardizes personal safety but also contributes to illegal activities that may lead to exploitation,” said Tansingco.

Staff Report

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