
Dubai Police intern deciphers new way to identify planted fingerprints

A Dubai Police intern has come up with a new method to identify planted fingerprints at crime scenes.

Sara Abdulla Amin Mohammed, an Emirati biotechnology intern from Sharjah University, has achieved promising research results in distinguishing original fingerprints from planted ones at crime scenes.

In the research she used tapes in planting fingerprints and identified signs and marks that the forensic experts can detect and recognise during analysis concluding that planting fingerprints using tapes showed various signs and marks of tape residues that are not present in direct fingerprinting.

Lieutenant Mohammed Thani Al Marri, assistance expert at the Forensics Department, said analysing fingerprints is one of the most critical parts of forensic analysis in criminal investigations.

“Although we’ve never encountered criminal cases where fingerprints were planted here in the UAE, such incidents have been reported in other countries in which fingerprints were planted to frame innocent people,” said Lt Al Marri.

The research findings were presented to local and international experts during one of the sessions of the World Police Summit from March 13-16 at Expo 2020 Dubai.

Staff Report

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