
UAE advises residents to shower when returning home from outdoors, updates precautionary measures

The UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention, Department of Health, Dubai Health Authority and the Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre issued a joint reminder for individuals coming home from outdoors to completely sanitize themselves by taking a shower as well as other updated precautionary measures.
Health officials continue to remind the public to observe cleanliness and hygenic practices to safeguard their wellbeing amid the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the country.
Here are the steps as advised:
– Once you enter your home, do not touch anyone or anything
– Remove your shoes at a designated location, preferably outside the house and don’t forget to sanitze them.
– Leave your bag, wallet, keys, phone, sunglasses, and shopping bags (if any) in a designated box outside your entryway to sanitize at a later time.
– Take off your clothes and immediately place them in the laundry bag.
– Take a shower or clean the exposed areas of your body thoroughly (hands, wrists, neck, feet)
– Don’t forget to sanitize the previously mentioned items with a sanitizing solution while wearing gloves.
– Get rid of the used gloves thoroughly and wash your hands.

As of press time, the UAE has 4123 cases, with 22 deaths and 680 patients who have fully recovered from the disease.
Apart from proper sanitation procedures, authorities also advise the public the stay home and head out only to purchase essentials. They also remind the public to observe proper social distancing when heading out of their homes.

Staff Report

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