
PCSO will only accept dialysis and chemo cases next year

The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) has announced the allotment of a ₱3-billion medical assistance program which would prioritize medical cases with “catastrophic diseases” by next year.

PCSO General Manager Royina Marzan-Garma yesterday confirmed the P3 billion allotment for Universal Health Care (UHC) and Malasakit Centers by next year, which came from PCSO’s Charity Fund, Manila Bulletin reported.

The PCSO general manager said patients with serious diseases like those who need chemotherapy and hemodialysis will be prioritized.

Meanwhile, Garma said PCSO paid a higher tax due to the increase in the agency’s income.

“Even though our income here in PCSO went up, the agency’s Charity Fund diminished because of the many taxes we’re paying,” she said

The PCSO served as the principal government agency that would bolster and collect the funds for health programs, medical help and services, and charities of national character.

The UHC Law, or the Republic Act 11223, ensured holistic health care for over 100 million Filipinos.

Under the law, all Filipino citizens were automatically enrolled in the government’s health insurance program.

Staff Report

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