Experts say a simple finger test can reveal the state of your lungs and the chances of having lung cancer.
British newspaper, Daily Mail reported that not having a diamond-shaped gap between your forefingers when you touch them nail-to-nail could be a sign or cancer of the lungs.
The Schamroth window test can reveal signs of a symptom called finger-clubbing as it can indicate a possible deadly disease.
Clubbing is usually caused by fluid build up but it doesn’t guarantee that cancer can actually cause this.
Cancer Research UK says 35 percent of people get affected by the common type of cancer. Common type of lung cancer is non-small cell cancer which affects 87 percent of lung patients.
“Most people with lung cancer don’t know that their fingers are clubbing unless they know specifically to look out for it. But the Schamroth window test is a really easy way to check for potential underlying conditions,” an expert told the Hufftington Post.
‘The test is used by medical professionals as a partial method of confirming conditions, but you can also do the test yourself – and it only takes a few seconds,” the expert added