
Fashion website reimagines Imelda Marcos, gets social media flak

Everybody’s familiar about the lavish lifestyle of former First Lady Imelda Marcos. Her thousands of pairs of shoes is just one example at that.  

A fashion website in the Philippines thought about reimagining Imelda in their May issue.  

A video of their photo shoot with actress Bianca Umali was uploaded on their Youtube account last June 13. But it drew flak after it was posted on Twitter.  

In its video caption, STAIL Philippines said they opted to reimagine Imelda “for her love for beauty and eye for fashion”.  

“Sure, you can say a bunch of things about her but you can’t deny her impeccable taste in style. Yes, IMPECCABLE—from the Latin word impeccabilis, meaning “not” (in) and “to sin” (peccare). ‘Cause I believe that her love for beauty is as pure as her innate sense of style,” a portion of the caption read.

The 1 minute and 39 seconds video showed Umali wearing a red terno dress along with pieces of jewelry as her accessories. The later part of the video showed Imelda’s love for shoes with the actress lying down on the bed with a couple of pairs on it.  

Some netizens criticized the fashion magazine for “romanticizing a murderer and plunderer”.  

But as their caption says, they only wanted to show that wanting to be beautiful is natural.  

However, there’s always a downside to everything even beauty.

Staff Report

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