
Congen’s Cup update: Action in the hardcourt; NFPS rules volleyball

DUBAI: The boys from New Filipino Private School (NFPS) beat Al Alfiah Filipino Private School (AFPS) in the opening salvo of the third edition of the Congen’s Cup held last Saturday, March 16 at the People of Determination Gym near the Dubai metro’s Stadium station.

However, Far Eastern Private School (FEPS) doused water on NFPS’ parade defeating the team in the next round.

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In Volleyball, NFPS won in two games, defeating FEPS.

All the action in the much-awaited Congen’s Cup Interschool Basketball and Volleyball tournament where students from at least three Filipino schools compete in basketball and volleyball.

RELATED STORY: Congen’s Cup Interschool Basketball and Volleyball tournament kicks off

Finals will be on Friday, March 22.

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In his remarks at the opening ceremonies, Consul General Paul Raymund Cortes said they organized the tourney to instill values to the youth such as tolerance and respect. As well, he said sports help promote a healthy lifestyle.

The tournament is being held at People of Determination Gym near the Dubai metro’s Stadium station. (Photos by Anthony Sigua)

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