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UAE launches ‘Early Warning System for All’ digital platform to monitor weather conditions, natural disasters

Courtesy: Reuters

The United Arab Emirates, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and National Centre of Meteorology (NCM), has unveiled a digital platform to monitor weather conditions and natural disasters. With this initiative, UAE nationals abroad can now benefit from increased awareness about weather and disaster conditions, leading to better preparedness and proactive measures in cases of severe natural and climatic disasters.

The “Early Warning System for All” platform is dedicated to providing seamless exchange of information and data, resulting in rapid and effective warnings and responses during emergencies. These can greatly help in identifying potential risks and developing comprehensive response strategies, according to MoFA and NCM.

This agreement between MoFA and NCM was signed by MoFA Assistant Undersecretary for Consular Affairs His Excellency Faisal Eissa Lutfi and Director-General of the National Centre of Meteorology and President of the World Meteorological Organization His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Ahmed Al Mandous.

It is said to be a significant first step towards broader cooperation between MoFA and NCM, and one that further highlights the commitment of the UAE to improve public safety and security by using modern technology and accurate data, therefore enhancing crisis management and response capabilities.

“MoFA teams work around the clock to ensure the safety of UAE nationals abroad, facilitate procedures and provide assistance during emergencies and crises. This partnership exemplifies the ongoing coordination and collaboration between the Ministry and relevant entities within and outside the country, with the safety of UAE nationals being a top priority for the country’s visionary leadership,” MoFA said.

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