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Oh My Dog! Banned breeds restricted from entering the UAE

Did you know that some dog breeds are banned from entering the UAE?

Many fur parents in the Philippines dream of reuniting with their beloved pets here. But sadly, the UAE has restrictions on certain breeds. One fur parent, Renzo Alar, shared his heartfelt experience trying to bring his precious Twinkle, an American Bully, from the Philippines to the UAE.

“We had Twinkle, a female American Bully, for 4 years now,” Renzo said, sharing how they bought their dog from a local pet breeder in the Philippines. “She was named after a local music store in the Philippines,” he added.

“We did research on how to take her here in the UAE so all of us shall be united,” continues Renzo. “However, due to some laws here in the UAE, there are only particular breeds of dogs that are allowed.”

“Twinkle is not allowed to be brought here,” he added.

Banned dog breeds in the UAE

Renzo and his family learned that there is a list of banned breed dogs in the country. Several dog breeds that the UAE prohibits are as follows:

  1. American Bully
  2. American Pit Bull Terrier
  3. American Staffordshire Terrier
  4. Argentinian Mastiff (Dogo Argentino)
  5. Brazilian Mastiff (Fila Brasileiro)
  6. Doberman Pinscher
  7. Japanese Tosa
  8. Presa Canario
  9. Rottweiler
  10. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  11. Wolf hybrids
  12. Otterhound

Unfortunately, Twinkle, an American Bully, is included in the list.

Why are some dog breeds banned in the UAE?

Although Twinkle is one of the sweetest American Bullies out there, the dog breeds mentioned on the list have historically been bred to help with security and law enforcement. Some are also bred for fighting.

Not all pups of these breeds are fierce or dangerous. Still, because of their history and muscle, breed-specific laws often assume they might be. That’s why many countries have put a pause on letting these furry friends in.

What’s the exception?

Several cases are exempted from this import rule. This is if the dog you are importing is:

  • a service animal
  • an emotional support animal
  • required to come to the UAE for other medical purposes

One UAE resident had to import one of her service dogs—a pit bull—for her seizures. The country is strict with its import policies regarding pets, but it is totally workable if you persevere. “It was a mess, but they are here,” she shared.

Another UAE resident said that in his experience, although it was illegal to bring the banned dog breeds to the country, he was still able to find a legal seller.

“It was not illegal or restricted to own any type of dog in the UAE. It’s only illegal to import the breeds on the banned list into the country,” they said. “I have an American Bully, the best and smartest dog I have ever owned; Bought from a reputable dog breeder (the breeder is a local), and my puppy has Cane Corso, Pitbull, and Terrier friends.”

Although some UAE residents have been fortunate enough to bring their dogs or find a legal seller locally, others, like Renzo, have to face the reality that their furry friends just can’t make the trip here.

“If I have the chance to take her here, I won’t hesitate in doing so,” says Renzo. “But again, due to her breed and class of canine, she is not permitted to enter the Emirates.”

At the very least, Twinkle is still getting all the love back there in the Philippines!

“It’s kinda sad and devastating that she is separated from us but as much as we can we still do try our best to provide for her,” says Renzo. “Thank goodness, she is taken care of by my family members in the Philippines and getting the love and support she deserves.”

Camille Quirino

Camille Quirino is a Junior Writer at The Filipino Times, passionate about sharing the stories of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). She previously contributed to Magic 89.9 and various TV productions and finds fulfillment in crafting compelling narratives that shed light on the experiences of OFWs. Outside of work, Camille enjoys playing the ukulele and meeting new people to hear their stories. She believes everyone has a unique narrative worth sharing and is dedicated to capturing these stories in her writing. Reach Camille at [email protected].

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