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Prank gone wrong? Takoyaki store’s April Fools joke faces backlash after man tattoos logo on forehead

A Takoyaki store is now facing backlash over its supposed April Fool’s joke that challenged netizens to tattoo its “Taragis” logo on their forehead and win P100,000.

In the caption, they wrote: “KAYA MO BANG GAWIN PARA SA 100k?!” The post has been deleted but gained enough reaction from online users over its reward.

However, one man allegedly took the challenge seriously and tattooed the logo on his forehead.

The store then clarified that the challenge is part of its April Fools campaign on April 1.

While the supposed challenge taker has yet to be verified, Taragis maintained that they are not liable for the April Fools campaign and stressed the importance of reading comprehension.

“It’s April Fools’ Day. Never trust anything or anyone. The same as any other day,” the store wrote in their statement.

Netizens slammed the store over its negligence and lack of sensitivity to the working class who will do everything for money.

“A reminder not to pull pranks on the working class. Hindi lahat makakakuha ng “jokes” niyo na yan. The least Taragis should do is shoulder the laser removal of that ugly a** logo and give him his 100k,” a user said.

“Hindi lahat ng followers nila ay alam ang April Fools day. At educated enough to read it with comprehension. Pag pera ang pinag uusapan, lalo sa Pinas may kakagat talaga nyan. They should be accountable for their stupid posts. Kainis,” another netizen added.

Staff Report

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