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Quiboloy admits he’s hiding, claims plot to kill him

Kingdom of Jesus Christ founder Apollo Quiboloy admitted that he is currently in hiding and claimed that there is a plot to kill him.

Quiboloy is currently one of the most wanted persons of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI. Subpoenas have also been issued against him by both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Quiboloy said in a voice clip that the United States is planning to kill him. He said he wanted to meet the press and address the allegations against him.

“Because my life is under threat that is why you won’t see my face, for now,” he said.

This is the first time the self-proclaimed anointed son of god addresses the controversies against him. He also disclosed the alleged plan of the U.S. against him.

“Enter my compound and they will have me kidnapped … or they will have me murdered,” he said.

He admitted that he is in hiding due to the threat on his life. He also accused President Bongbong Marcos and First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos to conniving with the U.S.

“We have lost our freedom because we are under surveillance here,” he said. “In my own country, I am hiding because they can just pick me up like that, without going through an extradition process,” he said.

Quiboloy claimed the US is no longer requesting extradition against him and instead requested the CIA, FBI, the US State Department, the US Department of Justice to do a rendition against him.

“It’s not only rendition but also elimination. If possible, they can assassinate me,” he claimed. “Because I have been handed over to the hands of these foreigners by our own government,” said Quiboloy.

Staff Report

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