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Dubai taxi to revamp cab look with new digital features

RTA taxis in Dubai will soon have an upgrade on inside. he RTA booth at Gitex – which highlights taxi digitization.

RTA’s Dubai Taxi Corporation Fleet Operations Director Ammar Al Braiki stated that the new rollout will be part of keeping up with the newest technology and tackling the challenges posed by the public transport sector.

“We have introduced many digital features in the interior and exterior for a better experience for the drivers and passengers. A pre-installed software will facilitate navigation and even the meter for the cabbie. This will reduce the number of devices and wires. It will also prevent drivers’ meter tampering,” said Al Braiki.

A smart meter will be installed in the vehicle’s dashboard, eliminating all visible cables in the front seat. In the event of an emergency, the driver will have have access to an SOS button on the screen.

According to Al Braiki, digitalization will boost consumer satisfaction and driver and operating company satisfaction.

Passengers have access to interactive infotainment screens positioned behind the front seat, from which they may select from a variety of functions.

Passengers will also be able to pay online with e-wallets. This may be done straight through the app, saving both passengers and drivers time while exiting the cab.

Staff Report

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