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Badoy tells Supreme Court she is not threatening Judge Malagar

Former Undersecretary Lorraine Badoy denied accusations that she had threatened Manila Regional Trial Court Judge Marlo Magdoza-Malagar.

Badoy said in a now deleted post last week that Malagar is lawyering for the Communist Part of the Philippines and the New Peoples Army after dismissing the petition to label the group as terrorists.

In a new Facebook post, Badoy said she takes “full cognizance of the stern warning given to me by the Supreme Court and I would like to assure them that I hear their guidance.”

The High Court said that it will “consider attempts on social media and elsewhere to incite violence against judges and contempt of the court.”

Badoy previously said that Malagar’s resolution was a “judgment straight from the bowels of communist hell”.

She then asked this ‘hyphothetical question’ to her followers.

“So if I kill this judge and I do so out of my political belief that all allies of the CPP NPA NDF must be killed because there is no difference in my mind between a member of the CPP NPA NDF and their friends, then please be lenient with me,” Badoy wrote.

In another post, Badoy also red-tagged the judge’s husband Leo Malgar, the chancellor for the University of the Philippines-Cebu.

“A threat is a statement of an intention to inflict pain or damage. An ‘If -then’ statement, on the other hand, is merely a hypothetical syllogism that are workhorses of deductive logic that I needed to use to make my point,” she noted in a new Facebook post.

“So I hope I am clear here. It is not I who has the track record for murders, massacres, tortures, rape, inhumanity but the terrorist CPP NPA NDF. I am unfazed and I remain focused in doing my part in ending this communist terrorist curse so that we can all finally know what it is like to live in genuine peace and progress and meet our promise as a people,” she said.

Staff Report

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