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Dubai introduces digital permits for school bus attendants, passenger transport drivers

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) of Dubai has issued digital permits to passenger transport drivers (bus and taxi drivers, as well as limousine chauffeurs) and school transport attendants of companies and entities that operate in this field. The permits are available through the RTA’s website and the RTA Dubai Drive app. The move is part of RTA’s service transformation to digital platforms. It also corresponds to the Smart City initiative and the RTA’s third strategic goal (People Happiness).

“The aim of the new digital permits for practicing professional passenger transport drivers (bus and taxi drivers and limousine chauffeurs) as well as school transport attendants is to bring happiness to customers through offering services that save their time and effort. It enables them to have such permits issued via smart channels and obtain digital cards via RTA’s app (RTA-DUBAI DRIVE) on smartphones,” said Saeed Al Ramsi, Director of Drivers Affairs, Public Transport Agency, RTA.

The smart transformation of professional permits has been rolled out by sending letters and holding workshops for stakeholders in taxis, limos, and school transportation to introduce them to the digital card via smartphones via the Dubai Drive app. A manual for using the RTA-DUBAI DRIVE app on smartphones and displaying the virtual card has been published.

“RTA is keen to keep pace with the government’s directions, especially with regards to providing convenient services that add to customers’ happiness, a top priority of RTA’s strategies and service products,” concluded Al Ramsi.

Staff Report

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