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UAE schools reopen as new weekend schedule begins

The UAE schools reopened today as the new weekend schedule kicked in across the country.

As government and some private sector employees and students began their week officially today there was little to no traffic on Sunday, January 2.

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The country transitioned into a shorter workweek in the new year and yesterday was a weekend for many.

Friday half-day, Saturday and Sunday will form the new weekend in the country.

The schools in Dubai, Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah will receive students for the new academic term while those in Abu Dhabi and Umm Al Quwain will host online classes.

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Nearly 30 schools in Dubai went online and switched to remote learning due to rising number of positive COVID-19 test results.

School heads in Dubai said that they are keeping a close watch on pupils as well as their families and staff to identify close contacts while timetables were tweaked to suit the new four-and–a-half-day week.

Preparations have been made and precautions taken to ensure that schools are safe for students’ return. (AW)

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