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Dubai private schools to resume face-to-face classes from Oct. 3

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Private schools in Dubai now gear up for the resumption of face-to-face classes starting Oct. 3.

The distance learning scheme, however, will still be offered to students who have valid medical certificates from the Dubai Health Authority as well as those who cannot return to the country due to COVID-19 restrictions.

As of September, over 75 per cent of students in the emirate have already returned to school, according to the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA).

Dr. Abdulla Al Karam, Director General of KHDA, said: “The entire education community – including government, school staff and parents – have been working together to make sure that students return safely to school. While we are readjusting to full-time face-to-face learning, it’s important to keep wellbeing at the heart of the teaching and learning experience.”

In a survey conducted in the emirate earlier this year, 89 percent of nearly 75,000 parents said they felt their children were safe at school.

Staff Report

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